Thursday, August 19, 2021

Going bald during chemotherapy

It's not a deliberate fashion statement, it's alopecia.

Alopecia or hair loss during chemotherapy is one of the most common side effects. I started losing hair after my second session of chemotherapy. No matter how much I have prepared myself - cutting my hair short - for this dramatic event during chemotherapy, i still got the shock of my life one morning when my hair started falling off, not just one strand but clumps of hair on my pillow, floor and shower. I even shouted when I was showering and saw my hair fall off in really massive amount. And with it was a painful scalp.

So, shaving my hair was the best option to lessen the “pain of losing my hair”.
It’s alopecia or hair loss in chemotherapy and not a fashion statement but why not coz bald is beautiful!