Friday, October 21, 2022

Doll House (Baron Geisler and Althea Ruedas)

 "Kaya pala Doll house!" (that is why it's called Doll House?) I uttered as I watched the ending of the Netflix special movie that stars Baron Geisler and Althea Ruedas.  It really redeemed the career of Baron Geisler after all the not so good things he has done that made a fall of  his career.  Althea Rueda is really a natural child actress.  No acting is needed at all.  She is very good.  If you really want a tear duct exercise, watch this movie but I have warned you, this movie is simple but a really tear jerker.  The song Pangako is my LSS now he! he! he!  Watch the version of Althea here Althea Ruedas - Pangako.

As much tears I have shed watching this movie, I have learned some few good things to share.  Here are some of them:

1.  Win or lose, you have to fight for your dreams, whatever people will say.  As advised by Tito Clyde (Baron Geisler) to little Yumi (Althea Ruedas) when she was planning to audition in a school play.  Come to think of it, if we focus on our dreams, it will come  true.  People can say all they want but if you know what you want, go and get it!

2. Just say "sorry" when you have done wrong.  Advised from a child, so easy to say and do...well, for child yes BUT for adults with hardened hearts, how?  We are always reminded to have a child-like heart even if we have grown as an adult.  Life may become complicated, doing something wrong to somebody or somebody may have wronged us, hopefully a simple sorry will appease it all.

3. What is important is you have tried and did your best.  Isn't true? If we give our best into something, that effort cannot be matched to anything.   We might get what we want, win something or not, what is important is we gave everything we could.  Winning is not everything after all, how we did it is.

4. Remember the happy days even if you heard of bad things.  We have our good and bad days but it helps remembering good things if we come across bad days.  Good vibes only as they say. 

5. People are not ready because of unfulfilled promises.  Face it!  However we might want to run away from the ghost of yesterday, somehow, somewhere and someday we still have to face it.  Do not wait to come unprepared and face the consequences of yesterday.  Face whatever it is head on, otherwise we will get caught unprepared because of these unfulfilled promises.

This movie is a real tear jerker but it makes us realize that it is never too late to redeem yourself if you have done something not so good in the past.  Fulfill that promises and do not wait for a long time to regret it.  

Thursday, October 13, 2022

Ticket to Paradise 2022

Ticket to paradise stars Julia Roberts (Georgia) and George Clooney (David)  as divorced parents of Kaitlyn Dever (Lily Cotton) who tried to stop her marriage with an Indonesian guy, Gede, played by Maxime Bouttier.   The mission of these ex-married couple is for them to hinder the sudden marriage of their newly college graduate daughter to an Indonesian guy she just met during her post graduation vacation in Indonesia.  Georgia and David hated each other, so it seems.  They flew to Indonesia because their daughter suddenly emailed them that she will be married to a guy he juts met during her vacation.  The two planned to break up the relationship to the point of hiding (or stealing) the wedding rings, which was eventually found out by the couple.  Well if you think it is about Lily and Gede's love story, well along the way the ex-husband wife re-lived the feelings of being in love.  Who would not be in love in the places they have been to in Indonesia?  This movie is funny with a taste of romance and a little bit of drama.

Here are five things I have learned from this movie:

1. Parents want only the best for their children.  The only reason David and Georgia wants to break the relationship of their daughter, Lily, is they don't want to commit the mistake they have made 19 years ago or getting into marriage abruptly. 

2. Being love struck also strikes how you see things.  When a person is in love, everything is beautiful.  Well, love is indeed beautiful.

3. Sunset moves a feeling of emotion.  Whatever is hidden in your heart or hidden feelings, why not look at the sunset and feel it move out, better shout it out.

4. Divorce parents can be friends.  In the movie, the divorced parents hated each other at first but because of their daughter, they have to be civil, until they became friends.

5. Love is a decision we make everyday.  Being in love is not only once.  It is the choices we make not only during special occasions.  It is nice to be in love every single day.

If you want a light and funny romance comedy movie, watch ticket to paradise!

Monday, October 10, 2022

Boys do cry, so do men!

When it comes to mental health, women tend to be more vocal than men.   Maybe because of the expectations of masculinity.  Men are expected to be the stronger gender, physically and mentally.  We have grown up with our father as the superman or superhero of our family.  He can fix everything and he is so strong that they cannot be seen as weak.  There was also one stage in my life that i thought my father was invincible that he does not even get sick or get old.  That is what I thought.  That is what men show the world.  Men tend to keep their problems on their own.  But keeping these problems has a dangerous effect to the mental health.  

We have grown up with our father as the superman or superhero of our family.
We have grown up with our father as the superman or superhero of our family.

Men can cry too like boys or women do.  It is okay to be vulnerable and show the world how he feels.  It does not make less of a "man" should he show his true feelings.  A true man is not afraid to show and not hide his how he really feels .  A true man can take care of his mental health.  

Here are ways to take care of your mental health.

1. One true and loyal friend.  Like us women, men should have someone to confide to. Like a close friend or a best friend.  To verbalize somehow can make your feelings lighter.

2. Two kinds of names.  Create a name for your fears and create a name for your tears. Practically talking to your sadness by saying "begone, (name of fears) and let (name of tears) flow and go away".  It is a made up practice which is effective after crying out loud, then it is easier to let go.  Try it.

3. Three minutes of breathing exercises. Three minutes of inhale and exhale every day can make a big difference.  Just inhale deeply and exhale all the negative thoughts. 

4. Four people that you have not been in touch with.  Try messaging via social media or snail mail four people you have not seen or talk to for awhile.  Reconnect with old friends, better yet go out with them.

5. Five minutes of journaling a day.  If you do not want to talk, then write it.  Journaling can help release what is in your mind and heart.  

These are just five to try.  There are a lot more.  Do not be afraid to explore.  Just go and be vulnerable.  It is okay to be sad.  It is okay to cry.

Today is 10 October 2022 and we are celebrating World Mental Health Day! 

It is okay to be vulnerable, it is okay to cry..  Boys do cry and so do men.  

Happy world mental health day!

Sunday, October 9, 2022

Liveloud UAE 2022

What is Liveloud Band? (Liveloud UAE)

  • Established in 2008
  • Non-profit initiative by CFC YFC (Couples for Christ - Youth for Christ
  • Born out of desire to share God’s given talents of the members of the CFC community
  • The movement has evolved as one of the catholic worship concert worldwide
  • Psalm 33:11-12 – You have turned my morning into joyful dancing. You have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy that I might sing praises to you and not be silent.  Oh Lord my God I will give you thanks forever
  • Biggest Catholic worship in the Philippines
  • Last liveloud concert in UAE was in 2019 
  • Declaring Christ through Catholic music
  • Ablaze Music is a record label of liveloud band, operates under Couples for Christ by Ablaze Communications as the subsidiary of the organization