Thursday, September 29, 2016

Archangels, protect us

I believe angels.  I know and feel that they are there  to protect and guide us.  My angel passed away three years ago, Lucita Pallada Saulo Hernandez, my mother - the best for me!  Though she is not physically present with us, she still watches over us just like working overseas and leaving her at home.

Angels I believe are always there to protect us.  They are God-sent body guards especially for children.  When we were young, every time we cheat death during accidents, our parents would say, "saved by your guardian angel."

As I grew older, the role of angels in my life grew more vague.  Maybe because i thought that somebody who told me he loves me would protect and guard me from hurts.  But then again, he was not an angel at all :)  Would these human posing as angels in disguise could be real angels?  How can they be when with just a small misunderstanding, we say things that hurt the others' feelings to the soul.

Humans truly are  different from angels.  For we, humans have a lot of flaws.  Angels, hmmm..God made them perfect, I guess?  They were not programmed to hurt us but protect us.  Angels are there to guide us in every step of the way.  Sometimes humans though different from angels become our angel.

Happy feast!!!

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