Monday, February 19, 2018

Forty (40) things to do during lenten season

It is lenten season again.  This year's lenten season started on 14 February 2018, yes Valentine's day and Ash Wednesday came  together.  For us catholics, this 40 days of lent is a time to recollect, review and repent.  Some give up meat, smoking, chocolates, coffee or any other pleasurable things.  We are required to fast and abstain on Ash Wednesday, Good Friday and all Fridays of Lent.  Here in Dubai, we also fast and abstain during Wednesdays of Lent.  Here are forty things to give up on lent.  One every day of lent.

1.  Find 40 things to give away.  Any thing that has been sitting in your closet for God knows how many years.  If it has been there for a year, you do not need them.

2. Meditate on the passion of Christ everyday.

3.  If you have not started the habit of praying the rosary, start praying the rosray everyday.

4.  Make a prayer bucket list wherein you lilst down 40 random names to pray for everyday.

5.  If you are addicted to coffee, try minimizing intake of coffee to three times a week instead of everyday.

6.  Watch catholic movies on you tube or

7.  Pray more novenas during this season.

8.  Give up eating what you love eating most, e.g., chocolates, pork, etc.

9. Stop complaining at least eight hours a day.

10. Keep the money you saved from fasting and donate to the church.

11. Read the four gospels of the new testaments in 40 days.

12.  Read the whole Psalms in 40 days.

13.  Do 40 random acts of kindness.

14.  Journal your 40-day lenten journey especially the fasting and abstinence.

15.  Call or messgae someone you have not talked to for a while.

16.  Send a post card via snail mail.

17.  Turn off your mobile for four hours a day for 40 days.

18.  Learn playing a musical instrument by studying a song from the church.

19. Call your parents and tell them how much you love them.

20.  Have a 40 seconds of silence everyday for 40 days.

21.  Sign out from all your social media accounts.

22. Volunteer to your local church.

23.  Join the Couples for Christ and its family ministries in your area.

24.  Join the choir.

25. Do volunteer work,

26.  Do the Jericho walk.  Walk while you pray the rosary or any favorite prayer.

27.  Find something to focus on everyday and seek the message of God.

28.  Visit the adoration chapel.

29.  Learn about the saints.

30.  Study the 33 days to morning glory with your group.

31.  Start exercising.

32. Sleep early.

33. Wake up early and pray at 3:00 a.m.

34. Smile everyday.

35.  Comfort a lonely friend.

36.  Vist a sick.

37.  Visit a priest.

38.  Attend the easter triduum.

39.  Thank God for His unconditional love.

40.  Celebrate easter.

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