Thursday, October 13, 2016

One lazy day

Well, here I am, lazying around. I just actually woke up.  I mean I just got out of bed.  I woke up early as usual but was just too lazy to get out bed because it's my DAY OFF!  So, what do I usually do on a day off? (In case you care to know :))

1. Watch anything about ALDUB over and over again.  Aldub is LOVE. I live a busy life but I still have time for my loves, our bibis - ALDUB.  There is this thing that only ALDUB nation would understand.  A thing that is hard to explain.  A feeling that only LOVE can explain.  And that is, ALDUB, my friends.  They make my off days lovely.  That's too much of LOVE hi hi hi.

 2.  Keeping myself updated on what is happening to my beloved country, the Philippines.  I am no political analyst nor economic analyst.  What I only know is that I love my country whoever the president is.  I still believe that the whole Filipino people could unite and once again bring back the glory that we once used to enjoy.  We may have different opinions and different "bets" but at the end of the day, we still call ourselves, Filipinos.  Filipinos who can go through high or hell waters but still can keep the smile on our faces.

3.  Movie marathon.  Today, I started with a bit of a drama and romance - NOW IS GOOD

"My life is a series of moments that can go...."

This movies is based on the book Before I Die by Jenny Downham.  It is about a girl named Tessa who has leukemia and is about to die.  She made a list of things to do before she dies.  One of them is to find love which she found in her neighbor, Adam.  

Photo taken from Wikipedia

4.  Crafting and coloring.  Another in my 42 at 42 bucket list is to learn a new craft.  I have enrolled for the Crochet 101, Give to Learn and Learn to Give project for ANCOP of our unit.  I also started knitting on my own using looms.

5. Neem tea and lemon grass tea concoction.  Well, the neem tea tastes awfully bitter but it really has good medicinal benefits.  Lemon grass and cinnamon stick are one of the best teas I have ever tasted.

And while doing all of the above, I am simultaneously doing my laundry and tidying up my closet.  Am I productive or just  lazy?  You be the judge!

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